Challenge, Comfort and Growth: The Art of Being Addicted to Change

Posted on Dec 28, 2023

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Challenge, Comfort and Growth: The Art of Being Addicted to Change

Change is a constant in my life, and I accept each one with a resilient countenance and an open heart. The discomfort generated by each transformation is not an enemy, but a stimulus that I use to improve my environment and who I am on the inside.

If a change doesn't produce the expected results, instead of giving in to discouragement, I return to where I started. I treat each failure as a learning opportunity, a challenge to improve my understanding and adapt my next agenda for change.

In general, there are three types of person when we talk about change:

  1. Those who are afraid of change: These individuals feel paralyzed when faced with a new situation. The fear of the unknown freezes their steps, preventing them from leaving their current position;
  2. Those who avoid change: These people can manage change, but prefer to avoid it as much as possible. Change is only seen as a last resort;
  3. Change addicts: This third type - my type - is the one who takes change naturally. We feel a certain enthusiasm in the face of the unknown, and we love the "chill in the belly" caused by the expectation of the new.

I certainly fall into the category of change addicts.

In the book "The Courage to Be Imperfect" by Brené Brown, there's a quote that I love: "Vulnerability is not knowing how to control or predict. It's the ability to breathe through our insecurity and make it happen anyway". This reflects what it's like to be a person addicted to change: we face the unknown, accept our vulnerability and make the magic happen.

It's amazing how much we can grow when we embrace change. So challenge yourself, get out of your comfort zone and see how surprising life can be.

Vulnerability can be a real catalyst for personal growth and authenticity. When we allow ourselves to be vulnerable, we create space to embrace our uncertainties and face our deepest fears. By exposing ourselves in this way, we demonstrate courage and authenticity, strengthening our human connections and encouraging mutual respect and empathy. In addition, vulnerability puts us in a state of openness that is conducive to learning, evolution and innovation. Therefore, being vulnerable is not a weakness, but a strength that can be harnessed to become better versions of ourselves.

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